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Webinar Working under Architecture

werken-onder-architectuur-blog-quality.jpg02 jul

Sharing knowledge is of paramount importance at Quality. For this reason, many informative webinars and courses are organized by and for the team. We believe that one person's knowledge of a subject can be of interest to several people. In times of Corona we keep the meetings online, but hopefully we can organize live sessions again soon. René Hoogvliet & Martijn Vuik recently took the Quality team along in a webinar about Working under architecture.

Why work under architecture?

We still hear too often that organizations have little insight into their IT landscape. However, organizations need this insight to be in control of the manageability of the IT landscape, IT/Business alignment, standards used, timelines and budgets. Only in this way can they achieve their objective of an optimal 'IT/Business alignment', whereby information technology is used to the maximum to achieve the organizational objectives.

Working under architecture can help organizations to achieve this insight.

How can Quality help with this?

It is important that architecture in an organization is guided and coordinated from one central point. All separate parts within an organization (vision, mission, strategy, business, information & data, application & systems, technology and security) are designed in their context, so that everything fits together well and a consistent whole is created.

Architecture aims to achieve the business objectives of an organization as efficiently and effectively as possible, whereby these objectives and strategy are always leading. And Quality can help with this:

Architecture Framework

We start with architecture frameworks such as

  • DYA (Dynamic Architecture)
  • TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework)
  • Zachman

Design Office

In addition, we also set up the Design Office (D.O.). The DO. is an official forum within an organization. WOV was established to monitor an organization’s strategy, while overseeing and guaranteeing the cohesion between the architecture domains.



Working under architecture leads to the compilation of a number of basic documents (blueprints). For example, a blueprint describes the following topics:

  • The elaboration of the technical architecture per domain (such as: network, storage, compute, etc.)
  • The standards (design rules) that must be used during design, and thus provide direction for derived technical designs to be drawn up (HLD, LLD, Migration).

Contact with Quality

As you can see, there is quite a bit to consider wh Please contact us: Phone: +31 (0)10 714 25 31 | Email: info@quality.nl.

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